Dinesh D’Souza: Democrats Have Hidden Their Pro-Slavery History By Blaming ‘Their Crimes’ On The South

Broadcasting from CPAC last night, Glenn Beck sat down with right-wing “intellectual” and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who was promoting his laughable new movie that promises to expose “the soul of the Democratic Party” as being rooted in slavery.

In his discussion with Beck, D’Souza explained exactly how the Democrats have been able to hide their crimes by blaming them all on “the South.” 

“What the Democrats did is they took all their crimes and re-labeled it ‘the South,'” he stated. “And so by re-labeling it ‘the South,’ they forced southerners into a defensive position because southerners thought, ‘We did the Klan, we did slavery, we did all these things.’ So then the southerners become defensive about all that and that’s why there is all this defensiveness about the Confederate flag. These were not southern crimes, they were crimes of the Democratic Party, the northern Democratic Party protected slavery as vehemently. So the Democrats created a situation where they could hide it and they could make our team hide it too and they had a beautiful thing going until it’s now time to break up that picnic.”

It seems that D’Souza’s history lesson conveniently ends in the middle of the twentieth century and doesn’t mention the GOP’s racist “southern strategy” and embrace of the Dixiecrats who opposed civil rights.