The Daily Caller Posts Image Of Terrorist Suspect To Mock Mosque Dress Code

A Colorado school organizing a field trip to a Greek Orthodox church, a synagogue and a mosque is facing controversy because it informed students that the places of worship have a dress code.

The school district advised students that at the mosque, women are required to cover their heads and wear modest dress, sparking the outrage of Pamela Geller and WorldNetDaily, which ran its story under the headline, “U.S. School Makes Girls Follow Islam Dress Code.”

The Douglas County School District in Colorado, under fire for saying that schoolgirls might have to cover up from head to ankle for a field trip to a Muslim mosque, has confirmed that such Shariah requirements will be enforced on the outing.

“Students who choose to attend the [Rocky Heights Middle School] world religion field trip are expected to respect the dress code of the host facility,” the school said in a statement posted online.

The explanation followed a firestorm of criticism of the school for announcing the field trip for seventh-grade students and including a note that the Shariah dress code could be enforced.

Another right-wing outlet, The Daily Caller, illustrated its story on the field trip with images of women in burqas and niqabs, along with an image of terrorism suspect Samantha Lewthwaite.

We will wait for conservatives to protest field trips to Orthodox synagogues that divide members by gender with a physical partition and require women to cover their hair, or churches that prohibit short skirts and exposed shoulders.

Tags: Islam