CWA Attacks Eric Holder For Raising ‘Bitterness, Malcontent And Rancor’ In ‘Minority Communities’

In a post on Concerned Women for America’s legal blog after Attorney General Eric Holder announced he would resign last week, CWA legal counsel Mario Diaz wrote that Holder would “not be missed” because of what he did to “raise the bitterness, malcontent, and rancor” of “minority communities,” which Diaz claimed worsened race relations in America.

Diaz is just the latest right-wing activist to claim that Holder’s work addressing racism made him the real “racist.”

He will be remembered, for certain. The damage he has done to the country through the Department of Justice will take years to undo. He will be remembered as partisan, petty, divisive, and radically ideological. He did not care for justice for all, but only for those he preferred. He was not an impartial officer, but a promoter of leftist ideology that has been disastrous, especially for those in the minority communities he was so interested in helping.

He helped raise the bitterness, malcontent, and rancor of these communities, while demonizing conservatives and Christians in every way he could. As evidenced by President Obama’s press conference announcing his retirement, Holder is most proud of his civil rights work, but the reality is that race relations are worse, not better, because of his service.