A Contemporary History Lesson From Liberty Counsel

One of the Religious Right’s favorite myths is that the original Pilgrims were socialists who nearly died until they turned to capitalism, after which they held the first Thanksgiving to thank God for blessing and saving them.

This story was the centerpiece of the “Faith and Freedom” program posted on Thanksgiving, where Matt Barber declared that he is thankful that “Obamacare is failing and failing catastrophically” because it is no different than the failed attempt at socialism that nearly doomed the Pilgrims.

“Obamacare is just a much larger version of what happened in the Plymouth Colony,” Barber said. “President Obama, people will say it’s hyperbole to call him a communist, well, his mother was an avowed communist, he sat under Uncle Frank, Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist. President Obama, to say that he has Marxist leanings is an understatement.”

Barber went on to assert that Obamacare is nothing but communism by another name and Mat Staver readily agreed, saying that Obama “is a socialist in his mentality, government is the God in his view” and declaring that just “like the colonists in the Plymouth Plantation, it’s not working”: