Conservative Columnist: Gay Rights A Communist Plot To Destroy Western Civilization

WorldNetDaily columnist Lord Christopher Monckton is not pleased that President Obama stood up for LGBT rights in Kenya, a country where homosexuality is a crime punishable by up to 14 years in prison.

Monckton claimed in a column yesterday that the president’s support for LGBT rights is part of his communist agenda, alleging that communists have been working within the U.S. for nearly 100 years to “promote ‘gay rights’ as a way of undermining and destroying the family” with the hope that “destroying the family would destroy the hated West.”

Monckton also managed to bring up his own personal birther conspiracy theory, insisting that Obama “traveled from Kenya to Hawaii with his American mother within days of his birth in a village near Mombasa in August 1964.”

In Kenya, as in most of Africa, the biggest killer is infectious disease. Accordingly, those who willfully indulge in activities known to be likely to spread disease are heavily punished. Homosexuality is well established in the medico-scientific literature as being a particularly efficient vector of various sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

For this very good reason, African political culture has always been strongly opposed to homosexuality, which carries a 14-year prison sentence in Kenya.

Embarrassingly, Mr. Obama chose a joint press conference with Mr Kenyatta to issue one of his whinnyingly pietistic Communism-101 lectures.

Even in the West, the average practicing homosexual is more likely to die before his time than a smoker. But in Africa, where all manner of infectious diseases are far more prevalent than in the West because public-health measures are largely non-existent, homosexuality is still more dangerous to the population. It is precisely because homosexuality does harm to people that it is firmly discouraged, and not just in Kenya.

The totalitarian left is eager enough to blame smoking on evil capitalist tobacco companies and to bully both smokers and those who supply them with their poison. However, the U.S. Communist Party in the 1920s, while publicly opposing homosexuality, was privately recommending to its cadres that they should promote “gay rights” as a way of undermining and destroying the family life that was at that time America’s greatest strength.

Ever since then, the hard left has been relentless in advancing the cause of so-called “gays.” There was never any electoral advantage in this, for “gays” represent perhaps 0.5 percent of the population – a numerically insignificant fraction. The advantage was purely political: Destroying the family would destroy the hated West.

Though the tone was a fine instance of the relentless diplomatic politesse that is a notable hallmark of Kenya’s present president, his remarks were a decisive slap in the face for the bleating Mr. Obama, who traveled from Kenya to Hawaii with his American mother within days of his birth in a village near Mombasa in August 1964.