Conservative Activist: Immigration Action Will Trigger ‘Civil War’

Richard Viguerie, the renowned conservative campaign operative, is warning that President Obama’s stated plan to use executive action to relieve some undocumented immigrants of the threat of deportation may cause a civil war.

Viguerie told WorldNetDaily yesterday that such a move “could ignite, quite frankly, a civil war across America against the Democratic Party,” which he says has become “an elite special interest party” seen as indifferent and hostile to working Americans.

At least, according to longtime conservative fundraiser Richard Viguerie, who has a warning for President Obama about his stated plans to take executive action on immigration reform even though voters just repudiated his policies by voting his party out of power in the Senate.

“If President Obama, by executive order, extends amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, as he’s promised to do shortly, this could ignite, quite frankly, a civil war across America against the Democratic Party,” Viguerie cautioned.

He continued, “It could be a major, major blow to the Democratic Party and brand them as the party that rewards illegal activity, and it could do great, great damage not only to the Democratic Party, but quite frankly, to America.”

As for the Democrats, Viguerie believes they are alienating white working class voters by supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants, attacking religious freedoms, and attacking gun rights.

“It’s clear that the Democratic Party, the Democratic leaders at the national and state level are being seen more and more as being either hostile to working middle-class Americans, or not engaged in their problems,” he said. “The working class, traditional-value voters are feeling that they’re just not welcome in the Democratic Party. It’s become more of an elite special interest party.”