Bryan Fischer: Homosexuality Causes Blindness

On his radio program yesterday, Bryan Fischer responded to reports of ocular syphilis cases among gay men in California by declaring that homosexuality is now turning people blind. This led Fischer to promote the myth that immigrants are bringing measles and polio-like illnesses into the U.S and to claim that immigrants and gay people are bringing back diseases once thought to be eradicated.

Fischer eventually connected the health story back to a popular slogan used to protest racial discrimination: “All we’ve heard over the last number of months is ‘black lives matter,’ ‘black lives matter,’ ‘black lives matter.’ I agree, black lives matter. If you’ve got a behavior, you’ve got a conduct, you’ve got a lifestyle that is resulting in potentially blinding health risks for black males and their​ risk is five times higher than white males, I would say if black lives matter, it is time we started doing something about that.”

Fischer, who supports criminalizing homosexuality, said that by “warning homosexuals of the consequences of homosexual behavior,” he is showing them far more love “than those who are urging them to engage in conduct, celebrating conduct, promoting conduct, providing special privileges on the basis of conduct that can leave its practitioners both blind and dead.”