Brownback to the Rescue

Last month, James Dobson and his Focus on the Family radio program were inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame.  Understandably, Truth Wins Out, which is dedicated to opposing the phony ex-gay movement, was outraged and vowed to protest the induction ceremony in November:

TWO vowed to protest the annual awards dinner, the second Saturday in November, to inform the world of Dobson’s shameful and bigoted record.

“It is an affront for the Radio Hall of Fame to honor James Dobson, a right wing demagogue, who built his radio empire on the backs of gay and lesbian people,” said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. “We vow to stand up and protest this outrageous insult and let the world know that Dobson is a dishonest, hatemongering ideologue.”

Dobson told The Daily Oklahoman on Oct. 23, 2004, “Homosexuals are not monogamous. They want to destroy the institution of marriage. It will destroy marriage. It will destroy the Earth.”

But apparently not everyone is quite as outraged.  In fact, Focus on the Family reports that they are getting some love from Sens. Sam Brownback, Jim DeMint, Orrin Hatch, James Inhofe, Mel Martinez, Mitch McConnell, and Pat Roberts who are sponsoring a Senate resolution [PDF] honoring Dobson and his radio program:

Whereas James C. Dobson, Ph.D., is founder and chairman of Focus on the Family;

Whereas the Focus on the Family radio program first aired in 1977 and now is heard through more than 3,000 radio outlets in North America and in 27 languages in over 160 other countries;

Whereas the Focus on the Family radio program has benefitted the lives of families and individuals across the United States and around the world; Whereas the Focus on the Family radio program has been named as a 2008 inductee to the National Radio Hall of Fame; and

Whereas the Focus on the Family radio program is the first faith-based radio program to receive this honor: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate congratulates the Focus on the Family radio program, its staff, and its founder and chairman, James Dobson, for their excellence in radio programming and the program’s worthy induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame.