Beck: ‘Oprah Winfrey, You Disgust Me’

Over the last week, Glenn Beck has repeatedly attacked Oprah Winfrey for daring to compare the Trayvon Martin case to the murder of Emmett Till and, in response, has been focusing on a gruesome 2007 murder of a white couple that was tortured and brutalized by five African Americans, demanding to know why the media has not been covering this story.

Apparently the simple fact that it happened five years ago is no excuse for Beck, who returned to it again today on his radio program during an extended rant against Winfrey, which culminated with Beck declaring that Winfrey disgusts him as he self-righteously compared himself to the Statue of Liberty.

“Oprah Winfrey, you disgust me!” Beck fumed, as he ranted that she has overcome so much in her life and achieved wild success, only to turn around and tell us “white people are the problem.”

Beck then grew very somber as he declared “Oprah, I choose to be the person that America thought you were,” calling on people to gather around him as a beacon of hope.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free,” he said. “Give me the ones that you have told ‘you’ll never make it.’ Send them to me. The tempest-tost, because I hold my lamp beside a golden door”:

Tags: Glenn Beck