By Barton’s Standard, Every Republican Senator Must Go

Last week David Barton of Wallbuilders declared that Sunday sessions of Congress were unconstitutional and that any member of Congress supports or defends the practice has “affirmed their disregard for the Constitution and for their own congressional oath” before calling on activists to “make sure and replace them in the next election, November 2, 2010!”

Well, if Barton is serious, it looks like he had better get to work voting out every Republican Senator:

Republicans want to work this weekend on health care. Yes, you read that right.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he wants to spend the weekend in Washington so the Senate can refocus its attention to voting on health care amendments. The Senate is currently considering an omnibus spending bill.

“I think I can speak for all 40 Republican senators, we’re not interested in taking off this weekend we’re interested in staying here, debating the measures before the Senate and getting back to health care as rapidly as possible with a series of amendments that give the American people the opportunity to understand what is being proposed here and how bad it would be for the country,” McConnell said. “So this is a debate we welcome, we’re anxious to get back to it and whatever time we finish this conference report, it is my hope and expectation, although we don’t have an assurance yet, we will not only go back to the health care bill, we will have votes on amendments to health care bill.”