Ammon Bundy: Bible Supports Militia’s Seizure Of Federal Land

Yesterday on “The Liberty Roundtable” radio program, Ammon Bundy defended his seizure of a federal building in Oregon, claiming that the Bible supports his militia’s actions.

He explained that the federal government is wrongly prohibiting economic development on the property he seized, insisting that God would rather have the land be developed: “We read in Genesis where God gives the earth to man, he did not give it to government, he gave it to man to care and to cultivate, and that means to take care of it and to use it. That is necessary and that is what the Lord has done.”

Bundy went on to say that the government is violating “scriptural” precepts by controlling land, before arguing that his militia needed to use “shock and awe” to “remove the chains of tyranny and the chains of oppression so the people can regain a hope.”