Alex Jones Links Charleston Shooting To Socialist Race War Plot

In response to the Charleston A.M.E. church shooting last night, “InfoWars” host Alex Jones said today that he has heard from “every historical analyst, financial analyst, cultural analyst” that that a race war is coming to the U.S. this summer. He also learned from Matt Drudge, the conservative pundit, that “we could see the fall of America is coming.” 

Jones argued that “America is being set up for a fall, and out of that the new socialist nightmare” will emerge.

According to Jones, George Soros is the nefarious force behind the Black Lives Matter campaign, which he said Soros will use to stir up racial hatred and engineer a “cultural crisis,” just as he allegedly did in Ukraine. Once the race war materializes, Jones continued, then the federal government will intervene and set up a tyrannical state.

Fellow “InfoWars” host David Knight said that the Charleston shooting “could be used as a false flag,” linking it to a 1993 attack on a white church in South Africa, which he also suspected was a false flag attack staged by white people who opposed the end of apartheid to stoke racial tensions.