Alan Keyes Warns ‘Genocidal’ Obama Using Race As ‘Some Kind Of Magic Cloak’

Alan Keyes marked yesterday’s National Day of Prayer with a WorldNetDaily column asking people to pray for Americans to “reject the ‘leaders’ complicit” in President Obama’s “assault on religious liberty” and “effort to overthrow the constitutional self-government of the American people.”

Keyes, who ran against Obama in the 2004 Illinois U.S. Senate race, said Obama’s allies “pretend that Obama’s black skin is some kind of magic cloak that prevents the nation from interfering with his systematic nullification of the Supreme Law of the Land” and intend to “manipulate the nation’s conscience with respect to racial injustice to make cowards of us all.”

Among Obama’s supposed transgressions? His “shill[ing] for this genocidal movement” of abortion rights “with fanatical zeal.”

The most egregious example of these policies is, of course, the targeted promotion of abortion in the black community. Throughout his career, Obama has shilled for this genocidal movement with fanatical zeal. Tacit support for it extends to the supposed “conservatives” who slyly do everything in their power to promote the view that defending the God-endowed unalienable right to life, and the rights of the natural family, is “divisive” and politically harmful. These “conservatives” even go so far as to embrace a view of the U.S. Constitution that denies its logical dependence on the acknowledgment of God-endowed rights featured in the American Declaration of Independence.

On account of my adamant refusal to stop applying the logic and principles of the Declaration, I became persona non grata in the GOP once it fell firmly under the effectively unchallenged control of leaders committed to the elitist faction’s agenda. The evidence is now beyond conclusive that they are deeply committed to collaborating with Obama as he carries out the elitist faction’s effort to overthrow the constitutional self-government of the American people. That’s why, despite their repeated evocation of Obama’s “lawless” activities, they adamantly refuse to do what’s necessary to organize the nation’s political will in order to apply the provisions of the Constitution that empower the American people to end his lawless tenure.

In this respect they falsely evoke and manipulate the racial fixation. They pretend that Obama’s black skin is some kind of magic cloak that prevents the nation from interfering with his systematic nullification of the Supreme Law of the Land. Thus slyly they manipulate the nation’s conscience with respect to racial injustice to make cowards of us all, during the very time when the paralysis induced by that cowardice will assure the success of the elitist faction’s bid to end our liberty (i.e., right-securing constitutional self-government).

On this National Day of Prayer, I pray that God will open the eyes, encourage the spirit and enlighten the mind of the American people so that they will recognize and reject the “leaders” complicit in this assault on righteous liberty, whatever party label they wear. And so that they remember, instead, that God has provided the only leadership we need, dwelling in every heart that has accepted the word by which He fulfills His promise of salvation.