The Randall Terry Show

When Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president last month, many on the far Right were outraged. Randall Terry, a militant anti-abortion activist, was crushed that the religious-right icon would side with “Beelzebronx”:

Is Pat Robertson so terrified of Hillary that he will betray the Right to Life, Marriage, Self-defense, and The Church Herself as long as a fellow Republican snatches power? Rudy may wade through the blood of the innocent to reach the throne; he may be a stench in the nostrils of Angels – and the nostrils of devils for that matter – but at least Rudy is a stench that comes from the GOP stable – and he’s not Hillary. Is this the conviction we expect from Christian Leaders?

Terry, known for his aggressive clinic protests in the 1980s and 1990s, issued a clarion call for pro-life activists to turn those tactics on the D.C. bureau of Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network. Here are a few highlights: